Thursday, 1 September 2016

"Strings Attached"?

I've already established that I wanted to focus on what makes BJDs posable in the first place: round ("ball") joints, hooks and strings. One could even say that BJDs have a rigging system (insert laughing track).
So after some thinking I decided to jump right into it and try to use those strings and hooks in a creative way. My point is to use the very core of  BJDs' best feature (the stringing system...usually invisible) and make something interesting with it.  I needed a surface and anchors on which to apply the strings, so I grabbed a cork board and some pins + strings and "S" hooks, used in most BJDs. Oh and a little helper because why not:

I spread the pins around the board and attached some strings around it, applied a couple of S hooks and tadaaaa! I made a thing.
What got pretty obvious pretty fast was... I seriously underestimated the tension strength that these strings have. My pins started popping all over the place and my cheap 4$ cork board was dying a slow death.
NB: next time use nails and hammer... amateur~
Seriously though, I think I'm onto something:

And I've got a potential title \(-.-)/

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