Monday, 8 August 2016

Something that have been on my mind

Ever since we started talking about trans-disciplinary project and experimental animation, this has been on my mind. "Pick a subject that you know well". Frankly, I'm dying to do something related to BJDs (ball jointed dolls), more precisely, related to my own doll collection:

It is something I am truly passionate about, but I don't want to just stick to a stop motion animation with dolls. It just isn't enough as far as I can imagine it. I need the spark. That thing that will make me go " OF COURSE! "

So I've started to do a bit of research and found some examples of BJD stop motion (risk of nightmare fuel incoming! ):



And these are pretty awesome -at least to me - but I can't settle for just stop motion. I am currently trying to think about disciplines around the BJD hobby such as sculpting dolls, sewing doll clothes, painting doll faces, etc.

I also recently got a nice hybrid camera and I would REALLY like to use it for this project. I need to start talking about it with classmates and staff, and I hope they can throw some ideas at me,  there may be things that I did not think about because I am so involved in my hobby. I will bring my dolls regularly to school in the meantime.

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